Where should you start your startup?

How expensive is it to build a company in Berlin, San Francisco & London? We wanted to know and did a little research. Find out how much a beer, rent and employee costs are in our comparative infographic.

Click the image for a larger version.

infographic berlin comparison lauren

So what do you think? Do you find London as expensive as this? Where would you start a new business?

This post originally appeared on the Startupbootcamp blog on 23rd May 2013. The content and research was by me, and the graphic design provided by Julien at Startupbootcamp.

The end of the road for the peer to peer explosion?

It has just emerged that Housebites, a peer to peer startup nicknamed the “Airbnb for take-out”, is revising its business model and will be launching a new website soon. Housebites launched in 2010 and allowed independent chefs to sell their cooked food as a takeaway service, and their site has been replaced with a message saying “Goodbye for now” with a few hints of what is to come.


Housebites is one of a string of peer to peer networks that has run into trouble recently. Last month Gidsy, a peer to peer service for activities and things to do, announced that it was moving to GetYourGuide, a larger, older, B2C organisation. Only last week, Airbnb was in the news for being ‘illegal’ in New York, as New York and indeed many cities do not allow people to sub-let their apartments for short leases. There are a lot of grey areas in what Airbnb does – or what it allows and encourages its users to do – and now that the company is big enough to be heard of by everyone and their mum, the legal cases are beginning.

So is the peer to peer model broken?

The model isn’t necessarily broken but it appears very difficult to scale these companies successfully, as they centre around unique experiences. How unique can these experiences be once they are on a huge scale? And how can these companies assess and guarantee the quality of so many experiences? The companies need to be incredibly tightly-managed, and ideally have people on board who can negotiate legalese and provide suitable answers when probed on these grey areas.

The P2P startups also sometimes have a hard time securing funding because, as was the case for Housebites, they are not considered ‘techy’ enough. Their propositions centre on humans, which isn’t always appealing enough to attract venture capital.


What about the communities these companies are leaving behind?

There are a lot of lost people left over after the storm. The chefs who sold their creations through Housebites have created their own Facebook group and Twitter feed called Hungry Chefs (and they are pretty vocal at the moment), and many users of Gidsy were rather shocked when the announcement appeared suddenly on the website (above). Indeed, many of those users might not be interested to use GetYourGuide as the proposition is entirely different, although both revolve around finding things to do. So what will these users do? Those hoping to run collaborative movements will certainly have a lot of work to do, in trying to maintain momentum and the smooth running of these operations. But they are feeling positive about the future. I spoke to the spokesperson for Hungry Chefs, who told me:

We are collaborating to see if we can build on the things we learned – good and bad – from the Housebites experience. Our aim is to use social media and mobile payment technology in the early stages as we think the platform should be secondary to fantastic food.

It should be possible resume delivery of great, home–cooked chef meals to foodies. As a collective, we will also be looking at ways to group all sorts of chefs under the Hungry Chefs banner to find meaningful work and opportunities outside of the restaurant kitchen.”

Overall we can only hope that these initiatives, as well as other P2P startups (anything that gets called “the Airbnb for _______”), are successful. Personally, I think that Gidsy, Airbnb and Housebites all have or had fantastic visions that a lot of people are passionate about, and it’s painful seeing such positivity get dragged down by red tape, lack of scaleability and lack of funding or income. Perhaps in 10 years the P2P model will have been cracked, and these companies will be celebrated as the pioneers.

Community management: how should startups cultivate their communities?

What happens when you mix coffee, noms, and a group of people who are obsessed with communication? Inspiration happens! The guys at HowDo organised a breakfast for a small group of community managers and other writer-y types from Loopcam, EyeEm, Readmill, GigaOM and Somewhere. There we talked about tone of voice, good examples of community management we’ve implemented or witnessed, and well, we talked a lot about talking.

Writery types

Communications crew. Pinched from @severin


Many startups tend to adopt an enthusiastic, bubbly tone singing the praises of the overwhelming awesomeness of their product and even of life itself. There is absolutely nothing wrong with spreading the love, but it can be hard to make yourself heard in this space. Even harder is making your communication style truly unique, while telling your brand story and putting across your values.

Share me

Some startups – and many larger companies – fall victim to a certain narcissism online. Yes, people have ‘Liked’ your page because they like your brand, but keep WIIFM in mind (What’s In It For Me?). Creating shareable content is 1 part magic, 1 part relevance, mixed with 2 parts awesome content. Ok maybe the ratio is wrong but they’re all pretty vital. Tell people what’s happening in your industry. Share other people’s content, sometimes they’ll return the favour. Even play on universal truths. They may be generic, but it’s ok to create or share them from time to time: inspirational images (particularly on Tumblr and Pinterest) and funny videos are incredibly shareable, and will expose your name to a much wider audience, even if the content is less key to your brand. As long as it’s relevant – in your industry, geographic location, whatever – you can play in this space sometimes.

Einstein FTW

I like this Gidsy post because it was timely (Einstein’s birthday) and relevant (imaginative maker types = core users). Generic is sometimes ok! Reach a bigger audience.

Who are you speaking to?

A lot of your output is going to be preaching to the choir. This is invaluable, as you’re keeping your most enthusiastic (and possibly most influential) people topped up with brand love, and they are going to evangelise like anything. But how will you speak to people that don’t already love your product? You might need a different channel for this, for example paid ads, or you could widen the net when posting things to your followers. By being a little more informative and persuasive about your product, there is a small risk of alienating your core group, but the risk the other way round is much bigger. People will simply hide, unlike, or unfollow if you give them irrelevant content.

Offline. Yummy.

Receiving lots of Likes and shares is always a boost, but meeting the users of your product In Real Life is genuinely inspiring. Organising events and meetups gives you a very different perspective than what Google Analytics will tell you, and best of all, it’s really fun! The next step is converting these people so that they actually use your product. Which brands do you think have done a good job offline? An event I enjoyed was an Airbnb open office in London, but that’s probably because I got a Moleskine luggage tag embossed with their logo. Swag is always going to be a winner (if you can afford to do it), swag that’s relevant to your brand is even better.

Which startups are doing this well? I’d be interested to hear other people’s thoughts on this.